Find it again Friday: Final Fantasy VI


This is going to be a new feature on thezword and drunkenscholar.  On Friday’s I’m going to pull out an old favorite game of mine.  Wail on it for a bit, and then I’m going to sit down and write up a nostalgic piece on it.

This week, I was perusing my collection of old games and I stumbled across Final Fantasy VI.  Probably one of my favorite video games from years gone by (sigh…yes that’s a sigh like the love struck female lead on some show like Dawson’s Creek.)  This game sparked my love of RPGs.  Well this and its predecessor.

It originally came out for the SNES and was called Final Fantasy III here in the states.  And it warmed my grade school  heart.  The story was epic and it spanned a world of knights and Lords, magicians and ninjas.  Then,  halfway through the game, a catastrophic event shook the world and changed it to the world of ruin.

There were somewhere around twelve characters and each one as exciting and different from the last.  Terra was a mage who had lost all her memories.  Lock was the endearing thief who wanted to be called a treasure hunter.  Then there was Cyan the Samurai, Shadow the ninja, Celes the empire general who hated what she was.  Each one drove the story to  epic heights which made me want to never leave them.

So if you find yourself on a cold, lonely night at home wanting to pick up a video game.  Forgo the latest  Xbox shooter and go pick up this delightful game.  It is Final Fantasy III on Snes, comes in a Final Fantasy V and Vi dual PS1, and I even think that they have re-released it on the Nintendo DS.

Have fun,